Frequently Asked Question

2. How do I recover my username or employee ID?
Last Updated 3 months ago

1. Click Forgot Password under the password entry on the eLearning Portal login page.


2a. Contact your badging office or portal admin at your training site using the information shown in the pop-up.


2b. If this feature is available for you in the pop-up, type the email address associated with your account in the field provided and press SUBMIT or OK.


3. Check your email and follow the steps provided there to reset your password. This link will automatically fill in your username for you.


4. Once your password has been reset and you are logged into the portal, you will see your username in the top right corner of the home page next to the LOGOFF button.


5. If the previous options are not available, you can open a support ticket at Be sure to fill out the form with your airport or portal URL, first and last name, and that you need a password reset.

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